Maybe it’s not just your alignment that needs an adjustment.
The post 12 Cues for Crow Pose You’ve Probably Never Heard Before appeared first on Yoga Journal.
Maybe it’s not just your alignment that needs an adjustment.
The post 12 Cues for Crow Pose You’ve Probably Never Heard Before appeared first on Yoga Journal.
In his latest book, Jivana Heyman challenges the mistaken notions that many yoga teachers take into their classes.
The post Yoga Teachers, It Is Not Your Job to Fix Your Students appeared first on Yoga Journal.
Yes, you can. Yogi Bryan explains how.
The post Think You Can’t Meditate? Here’s How to Overcome the Most Common Obstacles to Sitting Still. appeared first on Yoga Journal.
A whimsical look at the self-defeatism of resolutions.
The post The New Year’s Resolution Yoga Flow (That You May Do Only Once) appeared first on Yoga Journal.
The stretches, self-revelations, and sillinesses that resonated with you.
The post Our 15 Most-Read Articles in 2023 appeared first on Yoga Journal.
The musician and yoga teacher talks about how music can help us change old patterns.
The post MC YOGI Offers Ways to Reset Your Mind With His Latest Album Sound Patterns appeared first on Yoga Journal.
And they’re backed by science.
The post 13 Surprising Ways to Calm Your Holiday Anxiety (That You Probably Haven’t Tried) appeared first on Yoga Journal.
Essential insights and awarenesses into who you are and how you tend to navigate the world.
The post What Are Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable Signs in Astrology? appeared first on Yoga Journal.
Find relief in minutes.
The post 5 Essential Stretches You Can Do At Your Desk appeared first on Yoga Journal.
You’re invited to believe that yes, you can.
The post Weekly Astrology Forecast, November 26-December 2: Grounding Your Desires in Reality appeared first on Yoga Journal.